Republic Commando: Hard Contact – Book Review

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Republic Commando: Hard Contact was written by Karen Traviss and published originally in 2004. It’s a part of the latest wave of The Essential Legends Collection recently released by Random House Worlds. Hard Contact is a tie-in novel to the Republic Commando video game and is set in 22 BBY during the Rise of the Empire era.

An elite squadron of clone commando troopers are brought together on a new mission, having each been survivors of their previous units. Niner, Fi, Atin and Darman must learn how to work together amidst rising tensions in the ongoing Clone Wars. Plus they must adjust to working with a number of other beings with agendas of their own. One of those beings is Jedi Padawan Etain Tur-Mukan, who’s gone through her own losses. The target of their mission is a Separatist bioweapons lab on the world of Qiilura, which is being run with an iron fist by local warlord Ghez Hokan, a Mandalorian. Hokan’s working with a scientist whose biochemical weapon specifically targets clones, which could turn the tide of the war. Hard Contact tells a dark tale of what persistence and grit can look like against insurmountable odds and just how effective the power of friendship can be.

Hard Contact could arguably be one of the most un-Star Wars novels in existence. For fans of war stories, this book is a no-brainer. It’s filled to the brim with descriptions of weapons, tactics and operations. Take away the Star Wars elements like clones, the Separatists, Jedi and aliens and Hard Contact can exist in a totally separate universe. The elements that make it a solidly Star Wars tale are likely what will draw fans of the property in: a ragtag group made up of diverse beings as they face off against a common enemy.

Karen Traviss is very skilled in writing a Star Wars war novel; she balances the technical war jargon with heart and humanity that adult fans of The Clone Wars animated series will likely find enjoyable (to be clear, this is not a story for younger readers). Similarly, fans of The Bad Batch will enjoy Hard Contact for giving clones unique personalities and traits and how it dives deep into what it means to be a clone in the galaxy. Particularly touching is the relationship between Darman and Etain. They meet at a time when they’ve both already gone through significant trauma, and they continually bond over what they experience together in the novel. Their relationship is the beating heart of Hard Contact and will both melt and break readers’ hearts.

The Essential Legends Collection edition, published in May 2023, breathes new life into Hard Contact by featuring stunning new cover art by Deena So’Oteh. Whether you’re revisiting this book again or experiencing it for the first time, Hard Contact will stick with you long after you’ve turned the final page.

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