Darth Plagueis – Book Review

This article was originally published on TatooineTimes.com

Written by James Luceno, Darth Plagueis was first published in 2012 after years of delays. Luceno always intended to explore Plagueis’s quest for eternal life, but due to the involvement of Palpatine and his backstory, it was canceled and then brought back to life. Since its initial publication it has remained one of the most loved Star Wars novels, Legends or otherwise, thanks to its deep dive into Palpatine’s past and close connection to the plot elements of The Phantom Menace.

Set in three parts, Darth Plagueis spans from 65 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin) to 32 BBY. Obviously, Plagueis’s goal of manipulating midi-chlorians to achieve eternal life is front and center but Palpatine’s backstory and rise to power is also prominently featured. The novel starts out darkly, as Plagueis fulfills the Sith’s Rule of Two, ending the life of his Master Tenebrous. We then follow Plagueis, né Hego Damask, as he uses the influence of his home world, Muunilist, to aid him in his dark side goals. He has his mind set on manipulating midi-chlorians to do his bidding, with the ultimate aim of creating new life out of nothing. Even an unknown Sith acolyte sent by his former Master becomes the subject of years of experimentation. Plagueis/Damask becomes aware of Naboo’s Palpatine, a young man climbing the political ranks and who may just be the apprentice worthy of the dark side. As the years pass, Plagueis and Palpatine become quite the duo as the galaxy moves closer and closer to war. Ultimately, we know what becomes of Palpatine, but the novel plays out in a way that makes his rise to power much more interesting and rich. The legend of Darth Plagueis and his ultimate demise is revealed, and the true Master of the Sith rises.

Darth Plagueis is a very enjoyable book for a number of reasons. First is the writing talents of James Luceno. I’ve read a number of his other Star Wars novels and I really appreciate his skill as a writer. If there was a group of Star Wars novels that would be classified as “literature”, his works would be among them. His style demands attention and thought but is not overly complicated or difficult to keep up with. Second, Darth Plagueis fills in a story gap that is just so satisfying from a fan perspective. Getting to dive into the history of not one but two of the most powerful Sith in the galaxy was just so much fun. This is why I enjoy books so much, we really get to spend quality time with these characters, learning why they are who they are and what has influenced them. Luceno also weaves in characters and plot points of The Phantom Menace in very satisfying ways, something that I was not anticipating to happen (baby Darth Maul!).

Darth Plagueis officially has the Legends stamp on it but until the Lucasfilm story team replaces it with something else, this novel is firmly planted in my Star Wars brain canon. This was one of those books that I couldn’t wait to pick up and didn’t want to end.

Darth Plagueis’ inclusion in The Essential Legends Collection was only a matter of time. With amazing new cover art by Malaysian artist Qistina Khalidah, this new paperback edition deserves a spot on your bookshelf, so pick up a copy today!

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