The Tide Over the Horizon Book Review

This dad read The Tide Over the Horizon by J.P. Baker, a fantastical undersea adventure that finds a young girl on the quest of a lifetime.

Tetra always dreamed of a life of adventure, but she gets more than she asked for one day when she’s swept away under the sea. She’s thrust into a mysterious world where the difference between sky and sea is blurred, she befriends a talking turtle, and goes on quests involving pirates, whales, and a kraken, all with the goal of safely returning back to her island home. 

The Tide Over the Horizon draws its fantastical inspiration from well beloved stories like Alice in Wonderland and The Wizard of Oz, stories that the target audience of younger readers may not be super familiar with. Like Alice and Dorothy, Tetra yearns for a life different than the one she has but quickly realizes that a life of adventure might not be all it’s cracked up to be. 

The similarities to some classic stories don’t just stop with young girls seeking adventure with talking animal sidekicks; Tetra’s story involves a number of mini missions she must achieve before reaching her final end goal, not unlike Alice and Dorothy’s tales. I mention all of this to state that The Tide Over the Horizon draws inspiration from other stories but firmly stands on its own. J.P. Baker has crafted a fairytale world unlike any other I’ve read and while Tetra’s journey might be familiar, it’s a modern day twist that’s very unique.

The Tide Over the Horizon is the debut novel from J.P. Baker who has crafted a tale aimed at young readers but one adults will also enjoy. His writing is clear and concise enough for a child to enjoy while remaining engaging, humorous, and often packed with emotions that older readers will pick up on and appreciate. I give The Tide Over the Horizon 🧢🧢🧢/5 – recommend for the young readers and the young at heart.

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