Extinction Book Review

Thanks to Forge Books for the review copy of this book. This review is spoiler-free.

This dad read Exctinction by Douglas Preston, a fast-paced thriller that’s the perfect summer time read.

Erebus Resort located in the Colorado Rockies is a place where the ancient comes (back) to life. Scientists have discovered a way (Jurassic Park style) to bring back species who have long been extinct like woolly mammoths, Irish Elk and giant ground sloths. When a young couple on a camping trip are kidnapped and killed, all eyes are on Erebus to find out what’s really going on. The Colorado Bureau of Investigations and the county sheriff have teams in place to investigate, and what everyone starts to discover is that there’s more than just ancient animals being brought back to life. As the body count rises and the mystery thickens, will Erebus Resort and its citizens survive or is the human race’s extinction just beginning?

I love me a good thriller, and Extinction definitely did not disappoint. Preston does a stellar job of quickly introducing the big players and diving right into the meat of the story. One of the reasons why I love thrillers is that edge-of-year-seat feeling, never quite knowing what will come next and Extinction has that in spades. In addition to the thriller/mystery vibes, Extinction also dabbles with some elements of horror which work in its favor. The enemy of the novel is just close enough to a real life threat that it adds an extra element of fear, something I found wildly entertaining. Throw in a splash of questionable morality from a corporation and you’ve got one entertaining novel.

The emotional center of Extinction is the relationship between the lead investigators, a male and female whose will-they-or-won’t-they chemistry is just balanced enough for it to not be distracting from the main story (I got real The Killing vibes). I can see the potential for future novels with this duo front and center, they make a great team (plus their status at the end of the book begs to be explored more).

If you’re a fan of John Grisham, Michael Crichton or Michael Connelly, you’d definitely enjoy Extinction. Preston’s crafted the summer blockbuster book you have to check out, I give Extinction 🧢🧢🧢🧢/5 – recommend!

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